User advice

This is a "static" version of a former ITACA database, mantained only for historical and reference purposes.

Each ITACA version is periodically revised by specialists to detect errors and inconsistencies improving data and metadata quality. Therefore, it is recommended to use the latest ITACA version which includes up to date information and provides an user friendly interface to query the database for data and metadata access.


ITACA 2.3 (released January 2018)

ITACA 2.3 contains 36714 three-component accelerometric waveforms generated by 1640 earthquakes with magnitude greater than 3 in the time frame 1972-2017, including 26096 waveforms manually processed by specialists. Data have been recorded by the National Accelerometric Network (RAN), operated by the Italian Civil Protection Department - Presidency of the Council of Ministers (DPC), the National Seismic Network, operated by Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV) and regional and international networks operated by several providers.

Events after January 1st 2018 with magnitude greater than 4 are available at the Engineering Strong-Motion database which is daily updated.

The major contribution to ITACA 2.3 comes from B2 2016-2017 Project (DPC-INGV Agreement 2012-2021, Obiettivo 1 - Task B) focused on site characterization. 20 new shear-wave velocity profiles, 144 noise measurements and about 300 geological maps, with different levels of detail, are now available.

ITACA 2.3 has been compiled under the co-ordination of INGV Milano, with the contribution of Agreement between INGV and DPC (2012-2021)

ITACA is the national layer of EPOS for the distribution of accelerometric data.

Tools - python code to convert ITACA files to the most popular seismic formats (MSEED, SAC, GSE, SEGY, among others). Requires ObsPy.

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